Conscious Relationships Coaching Programs with Galina Singer

Create fulfilling, deep and lasting relationships without losing yourself

Go from begging for love to generating love.

"I felt transformed after only two sessions with Galina, and my relationship was the first to benefit from this shift."
K. J. W.
"Thank you for the support Galina - really like no one has ever helped me before. I've spent thousands of dollars with therapists, life coaches and nobody's ever gotten to the ROOT of my issues."
S. A.
“This is the best investment I have made in the past two years!”
E. P.

Your relationships begin with you

I will help you form relationships that bring you joy without losing your sense of self

Acting as a mirror to your process until you become your own witness, and holding you in safety as you begin untangling all the many threads of your conditioned responses.

I work with my clients in 1-month or 6-month containers via one-on-one video sessions.

Option 1: 30 days 1-1 experience

Break a recurring pattern that prevents fulfilment in your relationships

It usually takes 21 days to break a habit. We’ll have 30 days to go through your relating challenges and the very specific pattern you wish to break.

In this 30 days of 1-1 experience with me, I will help you to understand how you co-create the dynamic in your relationship and what you can start doing to bring about the changes you desire.

Option 2: 6-Month 1-1 Coaching Container

Master Your Relationships

6-month container teaching you self-sufficiency, emotional maturity and nervous system regulation, sourcing love from within, sovereignty in relationships through mindset work, somatic exercising and spiritual guidance.

This work facilitates transforming your relationship with yourself and, as a consequence, all the other relationships and aspects of your life.

You can have fulfilling, loving and lasting relationships and be free from co-dependency, frustrations and melodramas.


You are the main character in your life story.

Everyone else—partners, children, bosses, siblings, and friends—is the supporting cast. 


I will show you how to start making decisions according to a new and improved vision of your reality.


You will discover that when you love and take care of yourself, your inner light will start to shine brightly, all the people in your life story bask in it.

When did modern relationships go from being loving and supporting to inducing fear and stress?


One day you may be a happily married mother with a thriving career and the next day you have a nervous breakdown, shuddering your hard-earned career and/or marriage to a halt, while you succumb to depression, anxiety, and insomnia, fuelled by medication, alcohol, or both.


After many years of overriding our own feelings for the benefit of our family members, putting ourselves last out of a deeply ingrained need for secure co-dependency, we end up losing our individuality and capacity to think for ourselves.


Such paralysis is anchored in our outmoded belief that there is a greater authority who knows better than we do what is best for us.


This thinking is damaging on many levels as we become unable to make empowering decisions to improve our own lives, but also because of the apathy, it creates to participate in decisions that affect society as a whole.


It is time to break loose of all the shackles and restraints which were placed upon us for many generations.

The actual purpose of relationships is to learn about who we are.

It is not to make us happy.
It is to stimulate growth, evolution, change, to inspire each other to become the best versions of who we are.

Love is fully self-sourced.

Uncover how to cultivate it from within to have fulfilling relationships without losing yourself.

As we become self-responsible adults, free in our authentic
self-expression, we also become a magnet for everything
we need and want in life.

And that's why we need to liberate ourselves from our automatic responses and limiting beliefs about what is possible.

My work is founded on connecting mind, body and spirit.

Most of us live out of mind only, at the whim of our unconscious drives and urges, as well as cellular memory which creates emotional reactions, which are stored in our bodies.


A spiritual element becomes important as I guide you to become a witness of your own processes to gain a bird’s eye view on your life, in order to make peace with the past, connect to the present, and eventually co-create the future you dream of.


As these elements are set in place, you will be able to access the wisdom stored within each of us, as well as your vibrancy, the dynamic life force that is at the root of our creativity and our reason for being here.

Galina helped me get to the root of issues I wasn't even aware I'd been dragging around since childhood. After working with her, I've since put down that baggage and begun to really heal those old wounds for good!

Meet Galina Singer

Writer. Disruptive Thinker. Speaker. Coach.

Through her own process of awakening and working with clients, Galina discovered that our single most important relationship is our relationship with ourselves. The way we relate to ourselves is how we relate to other people and everything else in our lives. It is our perception of our own disempowerment that holds us stuck in relationships and situations that no longer serve us, where we think that changing others is the only way we can improve our lives.


Galina found that it is when we take the power into our own hands we can affect change in our lives. It is when we start changing from within, we create an incredibly powerful impulse and an invitation for everyone else to change.


People who work with Galina experience a paradigm shift, transforming their relationships with themselves, with life and everything and everyone in it.


Galina’s goal is to empower people with concrete tools that render them self-sufficient, able to source love from within, and gain access to the inner wisdom as a reliable guide, while connected with the present moment, where they can make empowering decisions and connections.

As a woman in the Old Paradigm, I was raised to believe that my worth is based on what I have achieved and how well everyone else in my care was doing.


I had to break out of my conditioning to understand that I have value outside of labels and achievements: not by doing, but by being.

You are much stronger and more powerful, capable, and resilient than you give yourselves credit for. Stop hiding behind perfectionism or someone else’s back and take full responsibility for your own life to create a new world.

Clients' Transformations

People who work with Galina experience a paradigm shift, transforming their relationships with themselves, with life and everything and everyone in it

“Thank you Galina really appreciate these sessions. They are amazing. I don’t know how you are able to explain and identify the ‘why’s’ as you do! You always manage to give me a fresh perspective and provoke thought, which I really value. I have woken up feeling so much at peace today. Thank you”
M. J. A.
“I know & feel that some of my reactions/feelings toward my husband are coming from a “better-equipped regulated nervous system” as a result of your guidance. It’s a great feeling to stop blaming & looking outward for reasons to pin my unhappiness on my husband or circumstances. Thank you!”
“Working with Galina has been life changing. She has such a unique way of opening up conversations and thought processes, without judgement or shame or guilt, enabling me to explore other perspectives and possibilities. Having been working with a fixed mindset for so many years on how things ‘should be’, I now feel really empowered to explore the ‘what if’. Galina challenged me to trust myself, to take responsibility for my own peace and happiness - which whilst initially daunting, is now so empowering and somewhat exciting.”
J. M.
“Galina our session helped so much: I was clear and calm and held my power (with my partner.) It was the most honest conversation we have had in years. You seriously gave me confidence yesterday and I am so grateful for you. I am sure this won’t be smooth sailing but I have stepped up and been honest finally and it is such a relief. I feel proud that I have owned it but also opened up the communication lines. You are a universe-send!!!! Thank you.”
"As a result of working with Galina I found a better sense of self. Understanding my own behaviour and conditioning more and actually being able to articulate what it was I wanted for myself and my life. I felt a sense of liberation to be able to work through this and come out of it with a clearer mind."
Tina W.
"Through working with Galina I became able to take radical responsibility for myself and most importantly to myself. This manifested in my ability to create dynamic connections and relationships with my partner and children."
Elizabeth Willis, Ph.D.
“It took me a while to realise I was ‘worth’ the investment in both time and money to commit to- in hindsight, I wish I had done it much sooner, as our work has had such a positive impact on me.”
J. A.
"Galina taught me what it means to take responsibility for myself, what it really means to love and honor myself and the me I am without fronts, without performance. She helped me gain new and necessary perspective on all of my relationships. Galina is a miracle herself and she's helping revolutionize the way women show up in the world. My life is forever changed because Galina exists."
"My primary intention in working with Galina was to return home to myself. During our time together I uncovered, processed, released, and healed - and in turn found myself embracing and celebrating all of who I am. Galinas presence is like no other. Her ability to lovingly create a safe space, invite in truth and knowing, and gracefully lead others into the next phase of their evolution is remarkable."
Sarah J.

Empowered. Fulfilled. Thriving.

Your relationship with yourself is the most important and most lasting relationship you will ever have.

If we want healthy relationships and to be valued within them, we must remember who we are: sovereign, free, separate, worthy, whole.
When we value ourselves and our own lives, it sets the tone for everyone else.