
Mother’s Day – My experience as a mother in less than ecstatic terms

Motherhood May 7 2021, Galina Singer

“One of the more unexpected revelations of my work with women is the extent of the damage that occurs in our development due to the mother wound: the trauma of being raised by mothers who were cold, critical, withdrawn, mothers who could not give love, could not attune to their children.

A mother’s emotional life and conflicts affect the emotional life of her children. The mother’s inner turmoil is brought to the surface through her inability to be present for bonding with her child, in her unexpected cruelty, narcissistic tendencies, her endless perfectionism, and resulting resentment.

Sorrow is not something we can keep secret. It oozes out of us. And the children know. Just like I knew about my mother’s sorrow. Children feel it in their bones, in their guts.”

Read the full article on Elephant Journal: The Motherhood Conspiracy: what we Don’t Dare to Talk About.

The Motherhood Conspiracy - Galina Singer