
“Mother. Wife. Daughter. Sister.
MBA. Economics. Art History.
Russian. American. French.
Writer. Coach. Relating and Intimacy expert.
Intuitive. Spiritual Guide.
Change Agent.
Truth Teller.”

I used to find comfort in these labels.

They gave me a sense of self-worth and belonging.

I spent the majority of my life collecting these labels and identities, thinking that the more I have the better, more worthy of a person it made me.

As a woman in the Old Paradigm, I was raised to believe that my worth is based on what I have achieved and how well everyone else in my care was doing.

I spent my life striving for approval, to fit in, to belong, to be chosen.

The more I accomplished, the more I became restricted and blocked by the need to protect all the gains. The more I wanted to belong, the more I was in separation from the real me.

My education, accomplishments, gender, appearance, age became tightly-tied straightjacket that prevented me from experimenting with being anyone else.

There came a point when no matter how much I’ve achieved on the outside, the severe disconnect from my true nature and my own dreams and desires brought on a series of life crises.

When we neglect our true nature, the resulting dis-ease catches up with us.

I had to break out of my conditioning to understand that I have value outside of labels and achievements: not by doing, but by being.

The fact is: I am all those descriptions, but also so much more.

It is this other magical part of us with infinite possibilities that we get to uncover when we dare to go under the layers of identities, moral judgments and polarized notions.

But how I resisted this…
How I cried as my old life was crumbling.
How I was grasping at the vestiges of what was, trying to remain in the identity I knew and understood. No matter how unfulfilling it has become by then. No matter how victimized, how angry, irritated, never quite satiated I was then. We cling to what is familiar.

And yet, when the call comes – it is inevitable.

The more I resisted the process, the more painful it became. It felt like punishment. Except I was the one inflicting punishment: in resisting, I blocked the natural process of alignment waiting to happen. Scheduled to happen. Contracted to happen.

Today I am humbled.
Gratitude does not come close to describing what I feel.
I am in service of something much greater than me. I was guided to uncover gifts that are more significant than anything I could have learned in schools or read in books. I can only tap into it when I go within and listen, reconnecting to the essence of who I am.

Sometimes I feel that I am just a vehicle through whom information is channeled – the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

And yet, all of my capacities are engaged. My body, my mind, my spirit. My voice. My unique experience. My way with words. My capacity to analyze, to see patterns. The gifts bestowed upon me by nature so I can best serve the mission for which I was born.

I seem to have found my instrument in the cosmic orchestra.

And you have heard the call.


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  • "I came to know Galina through her articles and after a dark moment last year, I decided to have some coaching sessions with her. Her words spoke to me directly to my heart, but the coaching was even better: I saw the person “behind the words”, the human being who’s there for me to speak up, to hold me while I was in the most difficult moment, but encouraged to just be who I am. With simple tools suggested by her, I came to acknowledge my good, bad and ugly (as she used to say) and to accept my inner power, which is by far what I wish for us all. Thank you, Galina!"

    - Valentina Contato

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  • "I felt transformed after only two sessions with Galina, and my relationship was the first to benefit from this shift."

    - K. J. W.

  • "Thank you for the support Galina - really like no one has ever helped me before. I've spent thousands of dollars with therapists, life coaches and nobody's ever gotten to the ROOT of my issues."

    - S. A.

  • "Galina is an amazing coach. Her program really has you look at your past, present and the future you are creating. She has a lovely relaxed style and brings so many great examples, coaching moments and a well thought out program that works."

    - C. C.

  • "Through working with Galina I became able to take radical responsibility for myself and most importantly to myself. This manifested in my ability to create dynamic connections and relationships with my partner and children."

    - Elizabeth Willis, Ph.D.

  • "Galina taught me what it means to take responsibility for myself, what it really means to love and honor myself and the me I am without fronts, without performance. She helped me gain new and necessary perspective on all of my relationships. Galina is a miracle herself and she’s helping revolutionize the way women show up in the world. My life is forever changed because Galina exists."

    - Phaedra

  • "I have worried about the financial impact of committing to our sessions initially. But the benefit of our work together, the impact it had on my thinking, gave me courage to make changes - and that is priceless. The unexpected benefits of working with Galina: I have become more vocal about areas that were not subject to our sessions. For instance I don’t care so much anymore what other people think. I am much more confident in “just doing me” and I realise it is not something that is risky or brings detrimental consequences. Rather to the contrary. I am still surprised that my first thought is no longer “How does this make me look to others"."

    - Tina