I am not here to tell you how to live your life, what is right for you, or what makes you a good person.
That’s Old Paradigm.
That is how you were raised by your parents or your religion or your culture.
In the world we are here to build, the highest authority in your life is You.
Yes, You.
This means that what keeps you from thriving, pursuing your passions, using your voice loudly and clearly, or having fulfilling relationships is also you.
The good thing is once you own your self-responsibility, you become empowered to co-create with life.
It means that you will no longer live as a victim, trying to control the uncontrollable – life or other people, but navigate the inevitable changes and co-create with life in full alignment with who you are.
These are unique times.
All of our beliefs and conditioning are being tested.
What is good, what is right, what are the “shoulds” now?
Only you know what is good and right for you. Contrary to what we were taught, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for life. What is right for someone else may not work for you.
What does success, money, fulfillment, relationships, parenting, being a good person mean to you?
How about love, happiness, intimacy?
Are you ready to release living on outdated programs of doubt, shame, guilt and fear?
Are you aligned with your desire and feel worthy to pursue it?
My work centers on helping you reconnect to who you are underneath all the conditioning, coping mechanisms, and other people’s opinions on what makes a good life. It is only once you find your true Self, that you can co-create life in accordance with your own values, intention, and dreams.
"Meet Galina over
a 30-min. video chat"This is a 30-minute conversation I offer to prospective coaching clients. It is an opportunity for us to meet and see if working together feels like a good fit.
Meet Galina >> -
"Safe To Be Me
Group Coaching Program"A 6-month online group program for women who want to feel safe, in love, and free within or without relationships.
Find Out More >> -
Coaching Programs"People who work with Galina experience a paradigm shift, transforming their relationships with themselves, with life and everything and everyone in it.
Coaching Programs >> -
"30 days 1-1 Experience:
Break a recurring pattern that prevents fulfilment in your relationships"It usually takes 21 days to break a habit. We'll have 30 days to go through your relating challenges and the very specific pattern you wish to break.
Find Out More >> -
"Free To Be Me
Group Coaching for Men"A journey for men toward clarity, confidence & real relationships.
Find Out More >>
"I felt transformed after only two sessions with Galina, and my relationship was the first to benefit from this shift." -
"Through working with Galina I became able to take radical responsibility for myself and most importantly to myself. This manifested in my ability to create dynamic connections and relationships with my partner and children." -
"Working with Galina I have developed a better understanding of the important role our formative years as well as ‘expectations’ play in all relationships. And that Crisis leads to Renewal. We are all individuals with one life and the freedom to choose our own and best path. Galina guides towards a new Owner’s Manual for your life. Married for many years and frustrated with failed expectations leading to recurring conflict, I found myself checked out in my marriage." -
"My primary intention in working with Galina was to return home to myself. During our time together I uncovered, processed, released, and healed - and in turn found myself embracing and celebrating all of who I am. Galina's presence is like no other. Her ability to lovingly create a safe space, invite in truth and knowing, and gracefully lead others into the next phase of their evolution is remarkable."
The Importance of Feeling Safe to be Ourselves
View video >>7m 15s
Abundance in Love
View video >>6m 7s
Personal Boundaries are not Static, but Shift and Evolve with Us
View video >>10m 21s
Relationship Doubts: Genuine or Fear-based?
View video >>9m 41s
How to Free from Co-dependency and Start Anew
View video >>9m 29s
"Since I had my six sessions with Galina, I have changed in so many aspects that it is difficult to put them into words. The most significant change is that I became more assertive in expressing myself. Through Galina’s coaching to reparent myself, of being my own authority, now I take responsibility, I can express in a nonviolent way, and be really present in my relationships with others. I feel safe to be me, and my connections are deeper. Once I discovered my true nature, it became impossible to stay in situations or environments where my values are not met: in the past I would stay and swallow bad feelings until my body would become ill. Now I can proudly set my boundaries and not see them as being selfish. I wish all of us could experience being our own most important authority, and I will gladly recommend Galina for those who are ready to start the process and to welcome magic in life." -
"Galina is an amazing coach. Her program really has you look at your past, present and the future you are creating. She has a lovely relaxed style and brings so many great examples, coaching moments and a well thought out program that works." -
"Thank you for the support Galina - really like no one has ever helped me before. I've spent thousands of dollars with therapists, life coaches and nobody's ever gotten to the ROOT of my issues." -
"Galina is very easy to talk to. She helped me get to the root of issues I wasn't even aware I'd been dragging around since childhood. After working with her, I've since put down that baggage and begun to really heal those old wounds for good! Thank you, Galina" Galina's Coaching Programs