
“If you bring forth what is within you,
What you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you,
What you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
~ The Gospel of Thomas


Read Galina’s articles below

  • The sense of abundance changed my life

    The work I promote—the work of freeing our love supply by identifying and removing inner barriers—is centered around reconnecting to ourselves through somatic exercises. For as long as we are disconnected from our bodies, the idea of love as residing within remains abstract and we will continue to be looking to fill the inner void […]

  • There isn’t a single formula for life

    Integrity means wholeness. Whenever we are out of integrity by not keeping our promises to ourselves (or others), we create an energy leak. It means that our attention, through feelings of guilt, remorse or rationalization, is now dispersed away from our goals and dreams. The reverse is also true: whenever we keep our word to […]

  • Our relationships are here to help wake us up to who we are.

    I believe that relationships act as our mirrors, reflecting some parts of ourselves that we have lost connection to. Some people come into our lives specifically to ignite our process of self-remembering. For that reason, I believe that we need many different relationships, as every new person brings to our awareness a new dimension of […]

  • Until recently, no one knew who I was- including me.

    I personally have been betraying myself since childhood. Taught to bend to the will of those on whom I felt dependent for survival, I have suppressed my nature in order to fit in. Navigating the world from masks and pretenses, I have betrayed everyone else with whom I was in relationships, whether romantic or professional. […]

  • Which parts of yourself are you trying to divorce?

    It’s easier to project our pain on others, blame them for our feelings, our discomfort, our predicament, wishing they’d change.

  • Changing the toxic internal dialogue and forgiving yourself

    Let’s start by changing our toxic internal dialogue. Cultivate forgiveness and compassion for ourselves first. Face and heal our wounds. Accept the natural shapes of our bodies in full appreciation of the myriad of functions they perform to make our lives possible. Take up space. Respect ourselves enough to slow down the overdoing and listen […]

  • When we are triggered in relationships we tend to blame the other person for the strong emotions we are feeling.

    When we are triggered in relationships we tend to blame the other person for the strong emotions we are feeling. Yes, we are reacting to something that was said or done and it feels like the other person was the cause of this. What is actually being activated in our body is the adaptation to […]

  • The process of unlearning to be the good girl is the process of reconnecting to our power center

    Conditioned from childhood to repress parts of ourselves for nourishment. Food, care, attention – we find it quite normal to continue repressing our true nature for “nourishment” as grownups. When we are disconnected from our power center, intuitive knowing and self-esteem, we are not aware that we can respond to our own needs. Whether in […]

  • The dangers of hierarchy with which most of us grew up.

    When we teach our children that someone else is more important, stands above them hierarchically, or that other people’s needs, desires, or wishes take precedence over their own, we set them up for a lifetime of helplessness, unworthiness, and inadequacy. Children who are raised to give their power away to some displaced authority figure learn […]

  • "Just read your article, Love from Another is Unsustainable, in Elephant Journal. Wish this was taught in high school, it’s what I’ve tried telling people for years. But you said it so very clearly. Thanks for your work."

    - Mel S

    Read Galina's articles
  • "Galina’s words have resonated with me since the first time I found her writings. I feel that she is a beautiful soul that has a lot of wisdom and insight to share."

    - Dawn L

    Read Galina's articles
  • "First as a reader only and after as a client, I felt Galina is real and raw about her struggles, her healing and her growth. By allowing us to see her brave practices of authenticity, vulnerability and self-responsibility, she reveals her strength and inspires us to stay true to ourselves, while paving our own path to inner fulfillment"

    - Eroica van Langen

    Read Galina's articles
  • "Galina, I must tell you I had tears running down my face while editing your article. Your writing really does cut to the heart of womanhood and motherhood."

    - Khara-Jade Warren

  • "Meet Galina over
    a 30-min. video chat"

    This is a 30-minute conversation I offer to prospective coaching clients. It is an opportunity for us to meet and see if working together feels like a good fit.

    Meet Galina >>
  • "Safe To Be Me
    Group Coaching Program"

    A 6-month online group program for women who want to feel safe, in love, and free within or without relationships.

    Find Out More >>
  • "One-on-One
    Coaching Programs"

    People who work with Galina experience a paradigm shift, transforming their relationships with themselves, with life and everything and everyone in it.

    Coaching Programs >>
  • "30 days 1-1 experience:
    Break a recurring pattern that prevents fulfilment in your relationships"

    It usually takes 21 days to break a habit. We'll have 30 days to go through your relating challenges and the very specific pattern you wish to break.

    Find Out More >>
  • "Free To Be Me
    Group Coaching for Men"

    A journey for men toward clarity, confidence & real relationships.

    Find Out More >>
  • "Galina is an extremely articulate speaker who courageously brings a wealth of personal life experience to the stage. Speaking from her own lived experience she creates rapport and engagement with the audience while providing valuable life lessons in carving our own path."

    - Miroslav Petrovic, Embodied Speaking Training

    Book Galina for speaking engagements
  • "Interviewing Galina is an exploration of themes that we struggle to put words to. Her compassionate approach to life and relationships is expressed succinctly through a deep expertise, born of personal and professional experience. It has been my pleasure to connect my community with Galina’s wise words."

    - Monika Carless, Author, Intuitive Coach, Spiritual Midwife

    Book Galina for speaking engagements
  • "Galina’s voice is strikingly unique, particularly in the feminist space. Her words carry the weight of deep self-enquiry and hard-won truth. She offers the reader a bracingly fresh perspective on relationships, femininity, empowerment, and self-responsibility. The revelations she unearths are often profoundly uncomfortable in their clarity but strangely comforting to finally hear spoken out loud. She cuts right through our layers of conditioning to the heart of the female experience."

    - Khara-Jade Warren, Editor
